The Guardian - Budget 2024: Hunt urged to boost UK economy by fixing ‘broken’ childcare system.
London business group says clarifying funding for providers could deliver £11bn economic prize by freeing more adults to work
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TES Magazine - How our ‘family zone’ is making more children school-ready
When one headteacher noticed fewer children arriving in Reception with basic skills, she knew the school needed to take action.
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Children & Young People Now - Advice for early years staff on supporting children with parents in prison
A new resource for early years providers has been produced to help staff support children with a parent or close relative in prison.
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Nursery World - Scotland's first minister commits an extra £16 million to boost the pay of early years staff
The First Minister has announced £16 million of additional investment to boost the pay of early years staff in Scotland.
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Rachel Riley named Oscar’s Book Club Ambassador to inspire early-years reading
Oscar’s Book Prize has named Rachel Riley as Oscar’s Book Club Ambassador, to inspire and encourage reading with children at a grass-roots level.
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TES Magazine - Sir Kevan Collins: ‘We did nothing. We gave up. It was pathetic’
Three years after his appointment as the ‘catch-up tsar’, Sir Kevan Collins tells the full story of the four months he spent trying to get the government to take education recovery seriously.
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The Guardian - Screen time robs average toddler of hearing 1,000 words spoken by adult a day, study finds
Research into 220 Australian families over two years concludes exposure to television, phone and other screens hinders young children’s language skills.
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BBC News - Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer and Bridget Phillipson visit Harlow school
The shadow education secretary Bridget Phillipson has pledged to introduce free breakfast clubs and change the curriculum during a visit to Essex.
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The Independent - More Send pupils and lack of resources ‘systemic problem’ in schools, MPs told
Labour MP Daniel Zeichner (Cambridge) said that schools were struggling under the pressure of students with additional needs, and lack of staff.
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The Guardian - Early learning needs parental engagement
Letters: Fashions in speech change, but children need to learn to speak clearly and fluently, writes Janice White.
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Huffington Post - So THAT’s Why You Should Always Read To Your Baby Before Bedtime
Reading a book to your child before bed isn't just to make them sleepy...
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A Focus on The Characteristics of Effective Learning: Interview with Sayeh Mariner
Are the Characteristics of Effective Learning central to your EYFS practice? Are you confident in supporting children’s learning skills and attributes? In this episode of the podcast, we chat to Sayeh Mariner from the Co-Op Academies Trust about developing inspirational practice to nurture young learners.
Obesity Health Alliance - Healthy Early Years Diets: Achieving the Best Start in Life
The Obesity Health Alliance has a new joint position statement (together with First Steps Nutrition Trust), ‘Healthy Early Years Diets: Achieving the Best Start in Life’ which outlines the next steps the government can take, to create healthier food environments and help ensure the UK’s youngest children and babies grow up healthily.
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Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) - Levelling the playing field from birth to graduation: why universities have a crucial role to play in ensuring every child has a chance to flourish and thrive
BusinessLDN – the independent voice of business in London – has recently published a report with KPMG and the Central District Alliance analysing the business impact of the lack of affordable, quality childcare. The challenges facing an outdated early education and childcare system in the UK, together with the consequences of the pandemic period, have reached a critical point, with recruitment and retention issues hindering much-needed reform.
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Perspectus Global - Department for Education Early Years Campaign– Key Survey Findings
Between 18.01.24 – 22.01.24, 2,045 respondents of which 1,012 were parents, were surveyed online by Perspectus Global on behalf of the Department for Education, to find out more about nationwide perceptions of a career in early years.
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Sustainability & Future Proofing The Early Years Sector - Webinar - Wednesday 13 March 10:30am
Explore the concept of sustainability within our sector, delve into strategies for future-proofing our industry, and uncover insights on adopting a long-term perspective rather than focusing solely on immediate challenges.
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